kNN Classification of Malware Data Dependency Graph Features
I will be presenting this paper at the IEEE NAECON 2024 conference.
Abstract: “Explainability of classification results is dependent upon the features used in classification. Data dependency graph features representing data movement are directly correlated with operational semantics, and subject to fine grained analysis. This study obtains accurate classification from the use of features tied to structure and semantics. By training an accurate model using labeled data, this feature representation of semantics is shown to be correlated with ground truth labels. This was performed using non-parametric learning with a novel feature representation on a large scale dataset, the Kaggle 2015 Malware dataset. The features used enable fine grained analysis, increase in resolution, and explainable inferences. This allows for the body of the term frequency distribution to be further analyzed and to provide an increase in feature resolution over term frequency features. This method obtains high accuracy from analysis of a single instruction, a method that can be repeated for additional instructions to obtain further increases in accuracy. This study evaluates the hypothesis that the semantic representation and analysis of structure are able to make accurate predictions that are also correlated to ground truth labels. Additionally, similarity in the metric space can be calculated directly without prior training. Our results provide evidence that data dependency graphs accurately capture both semantic and structural information for increased explainability in classification results.”
author={Musgrave, John and Ralescu, Anca},
booktitle={NAECON 2024 - IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference},
title={kNN Classification of Malware Data Dependency Graph Features},
keywords={Training;Measurement;Accuracy;Semantics;Aerospace electronics;Feature extraction;Malware;machine learning;feature extraction;malware analysis},